Page 3 - Sex Education Brochure (2)
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               Ontario, Human Development and Sexual Health
               Grade 1 - C1.4

Grades 1-2 2012 CC McIntyre Media Inc.
Our senses allow us to learn, to protect ourselves and to enjoy our world. In this Canadian-produced series, students learn to identify
the five senses and describe how each functions.

DISK 1 (18 min) contains:
Program 1: Introduction
A brief introduction to the five senses – what they are, what sense organs are used for, how our senses help us gather information and
help protect us.
Program 2: Sight
Our eyes allow us to see people, places, things, colour and movement. We learn why it is important to protect our eyes. Some people
have trouble seeing. In this case, sometimes we need to wear glasses. Other people cannot see at all. These people are blind and use the
Braille Alphabet to read.
Program 3: Sound
Our ears collect, process and send sound signals to our brain. Terminology used includes: ears, inner ear, middle ear, outer ear, sound
waves, vibration, eardrum, cochlea, hearing aid, deafness, audiologist.
#MCI065DV-SE15 $119: DVD, PDF resource guide with student worksheets.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $178.50

DISK 2 (22 min) contains:
Program 4: Taste
Taste involves the use of our tongue and little bumps called papillae and taste buds. These along with our brain allow us to taste.
Terminology used includes: tongue, teeth, saliva, papillae, taste buds.
Program 5: Touch
Our skin is an amazing organ. It’s all over us! It’s waterproof. It protects us. It allows us to feel or touch things. Terminology used
includes: dermis, epidermis, subcutaneous layer.
Program 6: Smell
Your nose is very important. It allows you to smell your food and helps you taste better. It also alerts you of danger like the smell of
smoke or something rotting in your fridge. Terminology used includes: nose, nostrils, molecules, cartilage, nasal cavity, mucous.
#MCI066-SE15 $119: DVD, PDF resource guide with student worksheets.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $178.50

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